Andrea's Weekly 1.29.23

Song of the Week: Little Red Riding Hood

Continuing off our workshops so far in the semester, we were given two assignments this week.
It was a super busy week for me. I had a 3D Modeling assignment due and another due in a few days.
It's been difficult keeping up with all of the busy tasks I have to do, but I'm working through it
On my last weekly I mentioned problems with images but I finally was able to get an image inserted.
Yay for progress! My goal for the next week is to feel proud of the small assignments we were given.

During this weeks discussion what I found most interesting was Olia Lialina's article.
It talked about user experiences, and we had discussed in class what sites we've had great user experiences on.
Personally, one of the most fun experiences I've had on any website I can remember was when I was in middle school,
there was this site called iscribble, where I would roleplay and draw with others. Olia's article really reminded me,
how great experiences can be.